GrinGrant.org's original therapeutic recovery support program for dental restorations (The A.P.P.E.A.R. Program) is offered through our organization's clinical arm RecoveryGlue.org.
A.P.P.E.A.R. services are conducted by GrinGrant.org alumni graduates who have transitioned into staff members. Their dental restoration lived-experience is a fantastic resource anyone in recovery considering a dental restoration.
A.P.P.E.A.R. program services include:
Specialized online group meetings
Private therapy
24/7 online group chat
Case management for your restoration
Client advocacy
Private peer support that includes accompanying clients to office appointments
Dozens of participating clientele in the GrinGrant.org program
The A.P.P.E.A.R. Program
Your Recovery Comes First!
Addiction-related oral damage is well known to be profoundly taxing to a person's mental health. The sufferer endures acute shame, self directed anger, harsh judgement, and a social stigma.
What is lesser known is that the dental restoration to remedy this problem often involves extremely intense, prolonged, and overwhelming emotions - both positive and negative.
GrinGrant.org strongly suggests all applicants to be currently receiving OR ARE OPEN TO receiving therapeutic services such as private and group therapy, peer support, and case management to diminish the likelihood of
unforeseen recovery or mental health related
problems during the restoration process.
Applicants and clients are not required to use the RecoveryGlue.org A.P.P.E.A.R. program, however they must be receiving comparable services from another licensed provider.
Evaluative Study
Beginning in 2021, Grin Grant's A.P.P.E.A.R. Program received a evaluative and analytical study to document and measure the program's effectiveness for individuals in recovery undergoing a dental restoration.
This comprehensive study was conducted by Fletcher Group, an esteemed association known for recovery related research and housing.
To Apply
Grin Grant scholarships are awarded based on merit, which includes the applicant's demonstrated recovery values and principles, as well as their active participation in a recognized recovery program, good citizenry, and service in the recovery community.
Review our website FULLY.
Provide letters of recommendation from your employer or manager, AND someone that knows you well in the recovery community.
Write us a handwritten letter describing the condition of your teeth and how a restored smile would change your life.
Mail To:
Grin Grant Inc.
628 North Broadway
Suite 302
Lexington, KY 40508
We do Recover!
My anxiety and fear has prevented me from fixing my smile in the past or giving up in the middle of the process. Through the support of all the Grin Grant members as well as their person experiences I have work through my fear and anxiety and be where I am today with my dental restoration process with learning from my fellow members.
We are a supportive Family and I’m grateful to be a part of it!
This program has helped me prepare for events in the dental procedure/process that I never thought of and taught me new ways to handle anticipation and the "unknown" without getting overly worked up about things.
I have people to ask questions and put my mind at ease. I have a group of people who get it and know what it is like to have "no smile" and what it is like to have a smile after yours has been gone for years. It’s a beautiful thing.
Other Grin Grants gave me guidance on what to expect and how to deal with what's to come from the dentist and how to ask questions about what is going on with my smile restoration. The support from others that's already been through the process is priceless.
The APPEAR program has changed my life my confidence level is over the top I'm truly grateful for the APPEAR program.
The program alleviated the fears of the dentist and restoration. It gave me confidence in my dentist and the outcome of the procedure. And I have made life long friends through APPEAR.
The program has helped me prepare for events in the dental procedure/process that I never thought of. I genuinely felt prepared for the
entire process.
I've learned new ways to handle anticipation and the "unknown" without getting overly worked up about things.
I have more confidence and I know that I am getting the absolute best that can be done for me because they know a lot about the smile
restoration process. They also personally go with me to appointments.
I have people to ask questions and put my mind at ease. I have a group of people who get it and know what it is like to have "no smile"
and what it is like to have a smile after yours has been gone for years. It’s a beautiful thing!
There's no way I could have done this alone.